Sunday, 27 April 2008


Originally uploaded by movingtargetzine
I feel their pain
My Brompton is skulking under my desk, thinking jealously about the new Condor Fratello that is chained and d-locked (I hope) outside my flat as I type, thanks to the Cycle to Work scheme. Okay, so the B. won't cope as well with Highgate West Hill, but it shouldn't be too upset. So far my average commute speed is almost the same, and the B. is far more comfortable, at least in terms of riding position (giant wheels and carbon bits smooth out a hell of a lot). And they both share a steel heritage, as well as London design (even if the Condor is cast and welded, or however it's done, in Italy)

It's also a shock to have gears (Compag Veloce compact, with black chain ring), but the Polar heart rate monitor is more of a shock. The B. has lulled me into a fitness plateau! Time to pound the streets, I feel. Braking is also a whole different ball game.