Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Andrew Marr in Fashion Icon shock

B. is watching Andrew Marr's entertaining history of Britain on BBC 2. And Marr, remarkably, unbelievably, steals the historian fashion crown with a skinny, pink, possibly merino, zip-down polo shirt. Has he been inspired by Anthony Eden's natty dressing? Eat that, Tristram Hunt.

Update: Marr's wardrobe continues to cause ripples -

I thought Mr Andy's symphony in pink was pure genius. Call me shallow - and, oddly, many of you have - but it is hard to make a programme about The History of Modern Britain interesting, however much he prances from foot to foot. (Ask Hadley, The Guardian)


Jake and Dinos Chapman
When Humans Walked the Earth 2006
View of this exhibition at Tate Britain
Photo © Tate 2006

Bromdinium popped into the Tate Britain at during the Long Wet Weekend to check out the 'How We Are: Photographing Britain' along with the rest of the city, going by the queues to get in (friendly cloakroom staff, btw, and always kind enough to park the Brompton, unlike the National Gallery, which is off limits to the Fold).

A good show, with good use of IT, for once (digitized photobooks with touch sensitive pages, plasma screen scans of photobooks/slides). An odd hanging of one or two shots (the giants pictures of marines were oddly placed, for example); great 1960s photobooks and colour illustrations, esp. the cookbooks. The usual reflections on the limited palette of photography: ironic juxtaposition, Martin Parr satire/reverse snobbery, earnest reportage, class slumming, the colonial gaze...

More weird was the Chapman bros. bronze installation, which was very amusing in a sixth-form way. However, the family using the art boxes with their three children in the room with brains being smashed up, penises being chopped, and vaginas impalled: what was up with that? Was the parents making a point? Did you not notice the chopped willies? Did the children not notice? Had I wandered into Private Eye's 'It's Grim Up North (London)' cartoon by mistake?

"When Humans Walked the Earth 2007 contests the distinctions we make
between man and machine and assumptions about historical progress. Cast in the
traditional medium of bronze, these objects evoke the heroic tradition of
monumental sculpture. However their scatological imagery, subversive intent and
complex associations suggest a sense of impending collapse..."

Sunday, 27 May 2007

London needs this...

A New York senator says pedestrian iPod use is a "public safety crisis"
Using your iPod while crossing the road may soon be illegal in New York.

NY State Senator Carl Kruger wants to slap a $100 (£51) fine on pedestrians using MP3 players, mobile phones or Blackberries while crossing the road.

Two of his Brooklyn constituents had been killed after walking into traffic while listening to MP3 players in the last few months, Mr Kruger said.

In one case bystanders screamed "watch out", Mr Kruger said, but the victim did not hear their warnings."

Okay - so perhaps a bit draconian, but how many people have stepped out in front of you like this?

Friday, 25 May 2007

"I'm Begining To Think That People Are Carrying Their Bikes Everywhere Just To Mock Me"

Thus speaks the Sartorialist.

Might Bromdinium Recommend...

How an Englishman led to the foundation of the Smithsonian. Brings to life the scientific world of the late-eighteenth century.

The Mayor joins the Village Green Appeciation Society

Turfs up...
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Reflective Vest

Not sure that this is what I had in mind a while back. And don't think I could carry it off...

Back in stock at Velorution.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Bad Beardie

Saw a bearded middle-aged cyclist heading off across a set of red lights, with a police car sat behind him. Two minutes later, went past him arguing with the policeman. Suspect he got a ticket. Ironically, of all the places to go across a red light, this was v. safe.

Also, B. is back from walking around the Balearics. Suffered from bike envy a lot of the time. Fantastic scenery, lots of cyclists. Can see why Rapha shot its last ridiculous catalogue in Mallorca.

While I'm at it, if any one is interested, did the Torrent de Pareis walk from Lluc to Sa Colabra. Park warden looked a bit suspicious of my shoes before I set off, but the Inov8 F-lite 300 were up to the task. Perhaps not as sticky as some proper approach shoes, but no slips and less wrecked by the rocks than expected.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Brompton in The Sun

Not the kindest of article, but what do you expect. Sounds like Emma needed to give it a bit more time to get used to the steering.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Blair's Departure

B. was zipping along the back of Downing Street when he noticed a greater than usual gathering of photographers at the back of No. 10. They were all there waiting for Tony Blair to drive to the airport, or somewhere, to say adieu. Did this mean that the Cabinet meeting had finished? Caught a sight of the unmistakable TB grin, but you can't see it in the photo.

Lots of obituaries and spot-histories on the airwaves and in the newspapers. And of course, we'll go through it all again in 7 weeks.

A kindly copper asked me nicely to get off the road, btw. Or rather, the fluorescent special branch officer yelled at me to 'geroff the road'. Given the idiotic driving you get along there, perhaps it was for the best.
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