Tuesday 23 January 2007

What's GTD good for

Spend a few minutes on the web looking at the cultish-GTD related websites, and about 90% of the stuff is about tweaking software, how to use a Moleskine diary, how to relate NA to Projects, etc. But ignoring all that obsessional stuff, it does seem to work. My question is 'why?'.

A few tentative answers:

1. getting stuff of your mind. Less worried, less stress, more work. Makes some sense.
2. not loosing stuff. Good filing, fewer bits of paper. Some people say up to 30% of time is spent looking for stuff.
3. getting rid of excuses. You take something out of the inbox, figure it can be done in 2 minutes, and make a start. No time wasted on starting, stopping, restarting, working out where you were.
4. makes you think about getting organised. What else does, except perhaps a new year? Being forced to list a project, with outcomes can't but help most tasks.
5. keeping inboxes manageable - see point 1.
6. Lists and Next Actions - always something to do - no procrastination here. Means you can just chug through a whole pile of tasks when you've the energy and time.
7. Weekly review. Keeps everything in intuitive order.
8. It isn't rocket science. Most systems would probably help, this one doesn't worry about prioritizing or being too complicated.

What else?

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