Monday, 26 February 2007


Bromdinium is not the most organized of people, nor the tidiest. And he's increasingly got a pile of things to do. Rather pointless things, but a pile nonetheless.

So, January 1 saw a couple of resolutions. No. 1 was to try and get organized. The web was full of David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' - even the Guardian was on it. So I stumped for the book, and even a .pdf guide to sorting out MS Outlook and started to make lists of things; all seemed very sensible.

Still, there was something weird about Allen's prose. Lots of muttering about 'mind like water', lifechanging, even odd things like 'if someone doesn't write their next action down, I cut them out of my life', or 'try giving everything up, and descending into the darkest part of your soul till you have nothing. I've done that a few years ago', as well as other weird stuff, not to mention the flash web site and costly seminars.

Looking at a couple of mailing lists, the term 'cult' came up now and then - but only, I thought as a joke.

But reading this post about MSIA (short for the zanily titled The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness).

This is rather old news, and not exactly gospel, but makes more sense of the weirdness in the book.

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