Sunday, 25 February 2007

Wiggle vs. Altura

Did I mention that I had to send the Altura Reflex jacket back?

Can`t fault Wiggle, who even refunded my postage. Two thumbs up to the Portsmouth crew.

What went wrong?
  1. drawstring broke after three weeks
  2. top drawstring started to fray
Other points:
  1. terrible cutting of the fabric
  2. stitching started to go around the neck
  3. dubious about reliability of zip
  4. cut a bit baggy, esp. at the front
  5. baffle at top of zip not effective - zip rubs.
  6. picks up dirt - esp. oil - like a seabird near Exxon.
  7. clammy seam tape.
Still, it was pretty cheap all things considered.

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