Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Velorution and Rapha

Just like bacon and eggs, some things go together. Brooks and Brompton being one of them. The craftsmanship, use of traditional materials and the classic lines (not to mention gentlemanly comfort of these superior saddles) seem to go together like horse and radish. However, I'm not so sure about Brompton and Rapha, despite both turning up in the cooler pages of the broadsheets. Some people would argue (wrongly) that the Bromptoneer is more suited to tweed and pin stripe than the courier/biker/GQ lines of the world's most metrosexual - and stunningly desirable - cycling gear.

Nonetheless, Velorution are having a massive Rapha sale (yes, those softshell jackets for £145 rather than and unbelievable £210). Bromdinium, being a bit short of cash, but still in the market for a jacket, went to have a look. I was expecting it to be full of the too cool for skool crowd, but friendly staff. Rather model-like customers, so turnip head here stood out, but a cool, roomy store, with bikes the like of which Monocle might approve. Bromdinium is now the proud owner of two-for-price of one (they couldn't find the price tag) Rapha hats. The softshell jacket looked like something out of Star Wars crossed with a rather dapper Action Man, but the real classic looked to be the Stowaway jacket. The fabric felt like butter. (Though I suspect that the GI Joe stlyle windproof is the best bet for round town wear.)

Wearing one rather than the more sensible helmet turned Bromdinium, hulk like, into a speeding bike courier, swinging dangerously left from Oxford Street onto TTR... Must be all that talk of brevets...

p.s., ask me nicely, and I'll give you directions to the secret sale area of the Rapha site.

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