Thursday 15 March 2007

Gary Hart and all that oil

Bromdinium popped along to a lecture on American foreign policy (indeed, world foreign policy) by the former Democrat presidential candidate, and yacht-fancier Gary Hart at the Eccles Centre of the BL.

All rather cigars-and-brandy in tone, with a few good jokes about liking the sound of the word 'president'. Allegedly 'radical' as he suggested that Iraq was something to do with oil and that the term 'casualty' includes wounded as well as killed. He didn't mention the high level of survivability of today's battlefield wounds - although survivability with missing legs, arms, eyes, etc. is not the same as a sore hand from a sabre...

Although the tone was very Henry Adams (and indeed John Quincey Adams was referenced), no mention of China in the coming global strategic battle. Or indeed a suggestion that the best place for all that oil is underground, given what it does when it gets into the air. And the hints at world government were rather Utopian.

Digging up Mill writing pre-1848 and the Treaty of Westphalia seemed a bit of an intellectual cover, as well. Guess you can read more at the Gary Hart blog.

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