Monday 19 March 2007

Monocle March

At a bit of a loss at the weekend (for a number of reasons, see other news below), so splashed out on a coffee and the latest of Tyler B's Monocle.

Still looks good, esp. the cover, with a good feature on home workouts, G-Wagons and the return of Andrew Mueller, surely Oz's best export since Clive James (or maybe Kylie). But the rest of it seemed to be a rewarming of old TB 'fast track' themes, e.g. Heathrow is evil, trains should be run by Wallpaper*, and so on. Esp. indulgent was the feature on the fabulistic Nordic News Network - as if Zoolander had taken over CNN. And lacking in humour or real interest, intrigue or revelation in the country 'briefings'. Most look like they could be culled from the internet, or are part of the CIA world factbook. Maybe I'm being harsh, but it needs to up the game. If it's going to be the Economist meets Arena, it needs to up the game.

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